This card is about the power that comes from understanding both the macro and the micro. It is the non-verbal dyadic communication and interpretation that is presented to the embryo in the womb. It is our first relationship that lends itself to regulating systems, interpreting and filtering the outer world so that it is integrated and digestible to the little mini me. It is what sets the rhythms and patterns of the way we journey on. It is the negotiating between the inner needs of the womb and the outer world. At once ethereal and grounded, flighty and earthbound; it is the overseer of all inner truth and the frequencies that surround us. It is ethereal, for it sees from a high vantage point. It is earthbound for it roots us in what is real around us. It is the growth that comes from nurturing the fluid spectrum of nature. It is the regulator of our circadian rhythms and our vantage point to notice the betweenness of light and dark. How can you notice both the overview of things and the finer details? How can you split your mind to look at things from multiple perspectives at once?