This is a card of celebration. Of literally basking in the glory of the sun. What you wish to achieve is there for you so let the heat of the sun fill you with energy, with life force. Now is the time of high summer, of a warm midday nap. The work you have put into the situation at hand is done, everything you could do has been done. Now let nature take its course, let the fields grow on their own. True rest means unplugging, unwinding, disconnecting. It is the sweetness of doing nothing. Do not work, or pre-plan, or take notes for later. Let it all pass through you. Relish and luxuriate. Rest up because you will reap what you sowed soon enough, and that takes work. What are ways in which you can truly rest? How can you luxuriate in excitement? How can you communicate to the ideas that are coming, the people that want to work, and the situations that are asking for exertion that you are in true rest mode?