This is a card of successful listening. It shows us that once you are connected to the innermost frequency of your soul, the right path appears to you. You have received enough sensory impulses from the outside world and now is the time to interpret them, to feel them, to let them wash over you. Disconnect from external reasonings and expectations and stay the course that is true to your heart and to how you feel, no matter how irrational, illogical, random, or chaotic. The innermost silence that moves through us with heartfelt purpose offers a treasure trove of invisible knowledge. Listen even harder to the flicker of hope that is perched on your soul and cling to it despite the storms that might try to whisk it away. How can you silence the world around you? How can you find the smallest crumb of your Higher Self and help it grow? How can you work on this detached from ego, from power, from gain?